Tag Archives: cat facts

Tips For Being A Great Cat Care Giver

Cats make wonderful pets. This article is especially helpful for people who have never been a cat owner. These tips are helpful for all cat owners who want to live a happy life with their cat.

Drape cords should be kept distant from cats. If your cat plays with looped drape cords, they could get caught around its neck, which presents a suffocation hazard. This may seriously injure or kill your cat. Pin back drape cords to avoid this type of issue.

If you’re thinking of getting a cat for a pet, you should look to the local shelter. Shelters all over the country are crowded with marvelous cats, and most provide veterinarian care with the adoption fee. You’re literally saving their life.

Never let a cat become bored. Cats require plenty of exercise. Sometimes, cat owners don’t realize this. A bored cat may fall victim to depression, compulsive disorders or issued that can be harmful to their health. Make sure your cats have a wide variety of toys and plenty of room for active play. If your cat is an indoor cat, a cat tower or scratching post makes an ideal source of fun and exercise.

It can be hard to stop your cat from coming on your counters. After all, cats prefer to stay high so that they can keep an eye out on everything. Give them an alternative. Having a cat tower near your kitchen will keep them off your counters.

Go pick yourself up one of those water fountains for cats. Most cats will prefer drinking water that is running over drinking water in a bowl. Cats prefer to drink water that is streaming. In fact, there are cats that enjoy drinking from a running sink instead of a bowl. A drinking fountain provides a more natural and environmentally friendly way for your cat to drink.

Always watch a kitten around small kids. Up until your child is five, children shouldn’t be alone with your pet. Younger children cannot fully understand how to properly handle a small pet. When your children age, you will realize when they’re able to deal with a pet.

Always watch a kitten around small kids. If children are younger than five years old, pets ought not be left with them. Younger children cannot fully understand how to properly handle a small pet. As they age, you can determine how much interaction they should have with the animal.

Consider getting your cat a fountain to drink from. Cats who are in the wild prefer to drink from running water, and this holds true for domestic cats, as well. Streaming water is much easier for your cat to take in. Actually, you will see many cats prefer running tap water from the sink instead of the water bowl. Drinking fountains are more environmentally-friendly and they let your cat drink naturally.

Prior to adopting any long-haired cat, make sure you understand the extra work involved. While long haired cats are soft and look great, understand that there will be a lot more fur around the rest of the house. If you don’t mind cleaning, get a long-haired cat. Long-haired cats usually suffer from hairball problems too.

Your cat will look great after a high quality grooming session. With proper care, your cat will enjoy a long and healthy life as your companion. Anything you do to groom it, the cat will appreciate. Follow this post, and spend time grooming your cat regularly.